Classical Blog Exhibit


The Kitchen Maid by Jean Simeon Chardin 1738
 I chose to focus on the growing economic power of the middle class in the 1700s.  The first artwork that I want to focus on is The Kitchen Maid by Jean Simeon Chardin in 1738. The medium of this artwork is oil on canvas. The background of this piece features a young kitchen maid in a Hollandish kitchen taking a break from her work. The darker colors give the illusion of moody and tired. Just from looking at the young woman you can sense the tired energy.  The reason it fits this theme is because Chardin choose to show the middleclass day to day lifestyle. 

The Immaculate Conception by Giovanni Battisa Tieplo 1769
This piece is also oil on canvas. The background is Tieplo was commissioned in 1967 by the new royal church of San Pascual Bailon at Aranjuez to do seven pieces for their new church. The figures in the painting are supposed to represent the foundation of the church. The way that this fits the theme is because he has been commissioned from both the rich and the wealthy middle class.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrews by Thomas Gainsborough 1750
This is also an oil painting. The background of this piece is Gainsborough painted this as a commission by the married couple in the painting. It is one of his early works, but it gives him a strong foundation in portraits and landscape painting for the rest of his career. This fits the theme because he was known for his artwork giving the middle class a glimpse into a high lifestyle.

“Mr. And Mrs. Andrews | History, Description, & Facts | Britannica.”, Mr. and Mrs. Andrews | History, Description, & Facts | Britannica

“The Immaculate Conception - the Collection - Museo Nacional Del Prado.”, The Immaculate Conception - The Collection - Museo Nacional del Prado (

“The Kitchen Maid (Chardin) - Wikiwand.”, 2021, Accessed 22 Oct. 2024.

The Kitchen Maid (Chardin) - Wikiwand




  1. This is a beautiful peaceful painting of a lovely couple posing out on the sunny, pasture. Their clothing is nicely painted on this sunny, warm day. The space, texture, shapes, lines makes the painting perfect. I love the back ground of the beautiful painted sky and land scape. The pristine land is painted is breathtaking. The couple seen to be happy together. I wonder why the husband is holding a gun.

  2. I thought your choices went great with the rising power of the middle class. The first painting, The Kitchen Maid by Jean Simeon Chardin was definitely my favorite of the collection because of its simple nature. I enjoyed seeing the departure from grand scenes to focus on normal life through art. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I like your choice on the paintings. They clearly relate to your topic as they physically show middle class work. I almost chose the last painting myself! They all show great color, shape, and texture. It's wonderful to see what the middle class work look liked in that time. The bright pastel colors in each painting bring it all together beautifully and I can see the brush stroke textures used in the clouds and background.


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